Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bloglines and Google Reader

These two feed readers are both easy to set up and use. They do have some slightly different features however which I would like to point out.

There is something very warm and inviting about the Bloglines interface, BUT Google Reader will seem very familiar and comfortable to anyone who uses Gmail, as I do. Either of them seems intuitive and simple enough for beginners to figure out quickly.

As far as I can tell, Blogines has Forums, Google doesnt.

Google has prepackaged feed bundles for various topics (sports,celebrities, tech), but BlogLines has Top 1000 feeds section, very interesting. Now for a sports fiend like myself, that sports bundle has immense appeal. So too does Bloglines Top 1000, I played with that for a good 45 minutes when I meant to just take a quick glance. These differences can probably be seen as variations on a theme, but I find them interesting and I think its an example of how these various feed readers try to stand out or differentiate themselves from the crowd.

Both BlogLine and Google Readermake it easy to add feeds, both have a recommendations section.

I set up feed for's baseball section..Google Reader automatically opens up the list of articles in reverse chronological order, but with Bloglines once I click on the SI feed, I have to use the pulldown menu in order to view all articles. Am I missing something in Bloglines that allows the articles to be opened automatically?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The familiarity of GR won the contest for me, but I do concede that BL is more inviting in terms of looks. I don't like either of their prepackaged feed sets, lol, I'm glad you spent some time on them so I didn't have to =P