Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am totally digging LibraryThing. Set up my personal favorites in an online library, create tags and groups, find friends, a great tool to help users find book related events in their area...this is a highly literate Web 2.0 application. One of my favorite tools on this site, from a purely amusing standpoint, is the Unsuggester tool, which you will find within the Reccommendations link. It is exactly what it says it is, the opposite of Amazon's "if you like this, then try this" feature. It looks at my library and comes up with a list of books that are unlikely to ever appear in my library. My library is small right now, so as I add to it I will be curious to see how my "unsuggester" changes. Great fun! I also enjoy the Tag Mirror, which essentially takes a look at my library and creates a tag cloud based on how other users tag my book selections. Again, great fun! I could spend hours playing with LibraryThing, and I fully intend to!


Danielle said...

The "unsuggester" tool sounds quite interesting and very useful. I imagine this would come in handy when trying to refine a result set.

The "tag mirror" also sounds quite interesting. My curiosity alone will lead me to creating a profile so I can review these features in detail. Thanks for the info :)

Renee said...

Didn't catch the "unsuggester" tool. That sounds like fun. Based on your review, I'd definitely try LibraryThing. You make it sound useful, hip and fun. :-)